Day 60: Play on Songbird. Play on.
I played at the Kechum Farmers’ Market in Kechum Idaho today. Such nice people! They were very appreciative for my musical presentation and I hope to come back and play here next summer, God willing and the Earth keeps on supporting human existence.
I spoke to a dear friend of mine on the phone this morning who is always very current on the health of the Earth’s environment. She says that some experts predict we have about a year left before the environment will be so hot that plants won’t grow and therefore we will have no food. She says that not only is the Amazon on fire, but that the Artic is on fire too in parts of Siberia. Furthermore, the Bahamas is being devastated by a massive hurricane.
I think every generation since the
beginning of human beings has claimed that the sky is falling. I think even the
cave people would say to each other “Did you see what happened to Tim the other
day? He was eaten by a tiger!!! I can’t believe what the world is coming to!!!
People didn’t get eaten by tigers when I was growing up!!! We lived on a
tropical island without tigers. I just don’t know if I can take all this stress
anymore”. However, I have a feeling that
this time the sky really is falling; or at least the atmosphere is disintegrating,
What if the sky is falling?!?! What
do we do about it?!?! I don’t know. Does anybody know?! My answer is we better
do whatever it is that makes us happy now. That’s what we should always do
anyways. We should also continue to tread lightly as possible on Mother Earth
because it is the right thing to do. Each of us should spend our remaining days
living passionately, doing ONLY things that bring us happiness. Spend time with
family and friends. Go on adventures. Watch TV all day. Seriously, sometimes I
think the best thing we can all do is stay home and watch TV. This would save a
lot of gas and energy that we use driving cars to work and around town.
Whatever it is that brings us joy. However, do it with the “Reduce, Reuse and
Recycle” mindset.
If the environment really is failing,
I do think there will be a huge catastrophe on the human race. I think there is
a positive side to it though. I think the environmental problem will bring
about world peace. I think it will force those of us still alive to all work
together for a common goal.
Anyways, this is all dark subject
matter. I sincerely hope that this is all just another generation of humans
claiming that the sky is falling. However, if the sky is falling I feel good
knowing that I’m doing what I want to be doing. Yes, I’m burning gas driving
around in my Prius with rubber tires and metal extracted from the Earth. Yes I
still eat meat more that I would like.
However, I feel I am treading as lighly as I can while still living
passionately. The Prius gets 40-50 miles
to the gallon. I never eat pork or dairy. I hardly ever eat beef. I eat vegan a
lot of days. I recycle all my aluminum cans, even when on the road. I recycle
as much as I can, even when on the road. I abstain from getting bags when I go
to the grocery store or out to eat. I drive 65mph or slower to conserve gas. I
only use 2 gallons of water for my solar showers when I’m on the road.
my talk with my dear friend about the failing environment, I felt like one of
those musicians on the deck of the Titanic when it was sinking. If the ship is
already sinking and you don’t have a life raft to escape onto, may as well play
on. Play until the ocean swallows you up. May as well go down doing what you
love. And it might be a good idea to
stock up on whiskey....
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